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Displaying 426 - 450 of 4764

Blažek, Václav. Introduction. In: Blažek, Václav. Old Germanic languages : historical and grammatical survey. 2023, pp. 7.

Blažek, Václav. Germanic peoples at the turn of prehistory and history
In: Blažek, Václav. Old Germanic languages : historical and grammatical survey. 2023, pp. 8–13.

Blažek, Václav. Overview of old Germanic languages and their followers. In: Blažek, Václav. Old Germanic languages : historical and grammatical survey. 2023, pp. 14–99.

Blažek, Václav. Conclusion. In: Blažek, Václav. Old Germanic languages : historical and grammatical survey. 2023, pp. 100.

Blažek, Václav. Lists of schemes, tables and pictures. In: Blažek, Václav. Old Germanic languages : historical and grammatical survey. 2023, pp. 121–122.

Blažek, Václav. Appendices. In: Blažek, Václav. Old Germanic languages : historical and grammatical survey. 2023, pp. 123–191.

Bartoněk, Antonín. The development of the Attic-Ionic long-vowel system. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. E, Řada archeologicko-klasická. 1963, vol. 12, iss. E8, pp. 73–84.

Museologica Brunensia. 2012–

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019

Kotásek, Miroslav. Trauma Freud: Sigmund Freud as a fictional character in D. M. Thomas's The White Hotel. Bohemica litteraria. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 69–81.

Kratochvil, Alexander. Literary stories: cultural memory. Bohemica litteraria. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 7–19.

Bušková, Kristýna. The role of literature in reconciling trauma on personal and social level. Bohemica litteraria. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 83–91.

Juříčková, Miluše. Reception of the national trauma "Knut Hamsun" in Norway : notes on Gabriel Langfeldt's and Leo Eitinger's psychiatric discourse. Bohemica litteraria. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 57–67.

Kotásek, Miroslav. The future has already passed. Bohemica litteraria. 2015, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 11–28.

Khokhel, Dariya. Magic of the out-of-body experiences in contemporary fantasy: Halyna Pahutiak, Susanna Clarke. Bohemica litteraria. 2015, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 99–114.

Leonzini, Alexandra. Werewolf histories. Bohemica litteraria. 2015, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 139–142.

Chumarova, Natalia. Ivan Efremov's Andromeda Nebula: the turning point of Soviet science-fiction literature. Bohemica litteraria. 2015, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 29–43.

Knickerbocker, Dale. Why Zombies matter: the undead as critical posthumanist. Bohemica litteraria. 2015, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 59–82.