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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

Shashlova, Ekaterina. Russian philosophers in France in the interwar period : a review of the studies of emigrant philosophers. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum, pp. 32–49.

Photographic credits. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum, pp. 142–143.

Palladino, Adrien. Transforming medieval art from Saint Petersburg to Paris : André Grabar's life and scholarship between 1917 and 1945. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum, pp. 122–141.

Milbach, Juliette. Zinaida Serebrjakova in Paris : iconographic analysis of a Russian in exile. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum, pp. 50–63.

Foletti, Ivan. After Kondakov : the heritage of Russian emigration in the Czech lands. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum, pp. 10–29.

Foletti, Karolina. Presenting Russia to the West : Helene Iswolsky, Russian Catholic émigré intellectual. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum, pp. 64–79.