Title: Loose elements in colloquial English
Variant title:
- Volné elementy v hovorové angličtině
Source document: Brno studies in English. 1987, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. [97]-105
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104160
Type: Article
Summary language
License: Not specified license
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
[1] Firbas, J . (1979). A functional view of 'ordo naturalis', Brno studies in English 13.29-59 (Bmo).
[2] Firbas, J. (1985). Thoughts on functional sentence perspective, intonation and emotiveness (Part one), Brno studies in English 16.11-48 (Bmo).
[3] Firbas, J. (1987). Thoughts on functional sentence perspective, intonation and emotiveness (Part two), Bmo studies in English 17.9-49 (Brno).
[4] Jespersen, O. (1927). A modern English grammar. Part III. (Heidelberg).
[5] Jespersen, O. (1933). Essentials of English grammar (London).
[6] Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G . , Svartvik, J . (1972). A grammar of contemporary English (London).
[7] Svoboda, A. (1981). Diatheme (Brno).
[8] Vachek, J. (1980). Linguistic characterology. Mimeographed University textbook (Brno).
[2] Firbas, J. (1985). Thoughts on functional sentence perspective, intonation and emotiveness (Part one), Brno studies in English 16.11-48 (Bmo).
[3] Firbas, J. (1987). Thoughts on functional sentence perspective, intonation and emotiveness (Part two), Bmo studies in English 17.9-49 (Brno).
[4] Jespersen, O. (1927). A modern English grammar. Part III. (Heidelberg).
[5] Jespersen, O. (1933). Essentials of English grammar (London).
[6] Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G . , Svartvik, J . (1972). A grammar of contemporary English (London).
[7] Svoboda, A. (1981). Diatheme (Brno).
[8] Vachek, J. (1980). Linguistic characterology. Mimeographed University textbook (Brno).