Heterotopic narratives of identity in Tamas Dobozy's short stories

Title: Heterotopic narratives of identity in Tamas Dobozy's short stories
Variant title:
  • Récits hétérotopiques d'identité dans les nouvelles de Tamas Dobozy
Source document: The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2019, vol. 14, iss. [1], pp. 87-97
  • ISSN
    1213-7715 (print)
    2336-4556 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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embargoed access

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Siege 13 (2012) is a collection of second-generation Hungarian-Canadian writer Tamas Dobozy's short stories. Dobozy's narratives address some of the central themes of diaspora existence: the importance of remembering, the vulnerable nature of identity in the face of personal and historical losses, and the uncertain boundaries between past and present, real and unreal experiences.
Siege 13 (2012) est un recueil de nouvelles signé par Tamas Dobozy, écrivain hongrois-canadien de seconde génération. Ses récits évoquent les grands thèmes relatifs à l'existence de la diaspora tels que les mécanismes de la mémoire, la fragilité de l'identité face aux pertes de l'histoire et de l'individu, les frontières floues entre le présent et le passé, entre les expériences réelles et non réelles.
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[2] Dobozy, Tamas. Siege 13. Toronto: Thomas Allen Publishers, 2012. Print.

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[5] Hua, Anh. "Diaspora and Cultural Memory." Agnew, Vijay (ed), Diaspora, Memory and Identity: A Search for Home. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005, 191–208. Print.

[6] Mead, Walter Russell "Trains, Planes, and Automobiles: The End of the Postmodern Moment." World Policy Journal 12/ 4 (Winter, 1995/1996), 13–31. Print.

[7] Morefield, Linda. "Interview with Tamas Dobozy." http://www.washingtonindependentreviewofbooks.com/features/interview-with-tamas-dobozy.

[8] Palla, Mária "The Miracle Stag Leaps from Hungary to Canada: Introduction." Lopicic, Vesna (ed). Migrating Memories: Central Europe in Canada Volume I. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2010, 139–46. Print.