Title: Novità e riflessioni su due dipinti murali dell'alto Medioevo romano : l'affresco con sant'Agata e l'inedita pittura con busto di santa
Variant title:
- Observations on two mural paintings from Early Medieval Rome : fresco of St Agatha and an unknown painting with a bust of the saint
- Nové poznatky o dvou raně středověkých nástěnných malbách z Říma : freska s námětem svaté Agáty a neznámá malba s bustou světice
Source document: Convivium. 2022, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. [44]-[61]
ISSN2336-3452 (print)2336-808X (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.77716
Type: Article
Summary language
License: Not specified license
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Little is known about the two fragments of early medieval Roman paintings with female saints considered here. One was first exhibited in 2016; the other remained totally obscure until it came onto the antiquarian art market 2019. The goal of this study is to provide context for these two pieces by attempting to reconstruct their original art historical environment. The study also aims, through archival and documentary research, to offer plausible dates by means of stylistic comparisons (e.g., frescoes in Santa Maria Antiqua, in the Catacombs of Generosa, in the narthex of Santa Sabina etc.) and to explore the fragments' possible original provenance. For the painting with the bust of St Agatha, the study proposes a date around the late seventh-early eighth centuries; for the other, the first half of the eighth century. For both paintings, a Roman context is assumed.