Цвета Зинаиды Гиппиус в "лесу символов"

Title: Цвета Зинаиды Гиппиус в "лесу символов"
Transliterated title
Cveta Zinaidy Gippius v "lesu simvolov"
Variant title:
  • Zinaida Gippius's colours in the "forest of symbols"
Source document: Новая русистика. 2019, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 5-18
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The author investigates the semantics of colour in the selected Zinaida Gippius's poems from the intercultural and spiritual (psychological) perspectives. He draws attention to the issue of semantic bipolarity of symbol. He reconsiders this aspect in the context of Zinaida Gippius's many poetic conceptualizations, including interactive metaphor and synaesthesia. What needs attention is the analysis of the "black" colour referred to Lilith—Adam's first wife, and the symbol of sexual liberation. Gippius's colour depends on the transaction between interculturally captured contexts. In this sense, the author notices Gippius's interest in the Hebrew, Egyptian, Chinese, European (e.g. Christian—"Byzantine") contexts. The author's conclusions are referred to the works by Charles Baudelaire (The Albatross), Nikolay Gumilyov (The Knight with a Chain) and Vincent van Gogh (The Sower). Interculturalism, as such, definitely differentiates Gippius from Andrei Bely, in whose works colour is subordinated to the light of non-setting sun as a symbol of divine might and power.
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