
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57

Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014

Buráková, Zuzana. Elusiveness of Jewish identity in contemporary American textuality. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 73–82.

Stachurová, Alexandra. Shift of Perspective in Jacobean Comedies. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 83–96.

Bilá, Martina. Subjectivity in The Journals of Sylvia Plath and Diaries of Virginia Woolf. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 63–72.

Lu, Wei-lun. Contextualization and blending: a cognitive linguistics approach to the semantics of in. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 97–114.

Bruś, Teresa. Agency in photographic self-portraits: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and the exposure of the camera. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 17–34.

Gregorová, Markéta. "Ah don't hate the English, ah hate the Scots": 35 Scotland contra England in Gray's 1982 Janine and Welsh's Trainspotting. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 35–42.

Čechová, Natália. "What's past is prologue": the importance of history in Zadie Smith's White Teeth. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 1–16.

Hevešiová, Simona. The crisis of representation: Joseph Conrad and Ngugi wa Thiong'o in dialogue. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 43–61.


Bouda, Tomáš. Future of digital reading through the lens of Horizon scanning. ProInflow. 2014, vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. 3–15.


Badinská, Mária, Manek, Bohuslav. [Lopičić, Vesna, ed. Migrating memories: Central Europe in Canada. Volume 1, Literary anthology ; Albu, Rodica, ed. Migrating memories: Central Europe in Canada. Volume 2, Oral histories]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 141–143.

Clarke, George Elliott. Four poems. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 17–26.

Romaniuk, Scott N.. [Thompson, Andrew S. In defence of principles: NGOs and human rights in Canada]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 147–150.

Petraru, Ana-Magdalena. High and Low Canadian Literary Products in Post-Communist Romania. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 95–110.

Cvetković, Tanja. Reimagining Canada: Sharon Pollock's The Komagata Maru Incident. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 85–94.

Lopičić, Vesna. Serbian memes in the Canadian diaspora: a  case of cultural compromise. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 123–136.

Blake, Jason. [Cormack, Patricia; Cosgrave, James F. Desiring Canada: CBC contests, hockey violence, and other stately pleasures]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 151–153.

Kenyeres, János. Aspects of Canadian multiculturalism : history, policy, theory and impact. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 27–44.

Molnár, Judit. The intricate nature of the cross-town journey in Rawi Hage's Cockroach. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 59–71.

Clarke, George Elliott, Olos, Ana, Bud, Crina. A long-distance talk with George Elliott Clarke. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 5–15.

Sparling, Don. [Kürtösi, Katalin. Modernism on the "margin" - the "margin" on modernism: manifestations in Canadian culture]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 154–156.

Drăcea-Chelsoi, Marilena. "The Dynamics of Communication(s) in Multi/inter/trans/cultural Canada" : 5th Unconventional Conference of Young Canadianists : Baia Mara, Romania, 19-20 September 2013. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 158–159.

Potocco, Marcello. Literary criticism as cultural ideology: the Slovenian and the Canadian perspective. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 111–122.

Anténe, Petr. [Flajšar, Jiří; Flajšarová, Pavlína; Fonfárová, Vladimíra. Chapters in contemporary Canadian literature]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2014, vol. 9, iss. [1], pp. 144–146.