Title: Theatralia
Rok: 2014
Ročník: 17
Číslo: 2
Název čísla
Prague semiotic stage revisited II
Rok vydání
1803-845X (print)
2336-4548 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/130868
- This issue presents the outcome from the second symposium "Prague semiotic stage revisited II: an international symposium on Czech structuralist thought on theatre and drama, Brno, 20-22 May, 2013".
- Editoři čísla (Issue Editors): Barbora Příhodová, Tomáš Kačer (Masaryk University, Brno, CZ)
- Toto číslo vychází v rámci projektu Český divadelní strukturalismus: souvislosti a potenciál (2011‒2015; GAČR, č. P409/11/1082), financováno Grantovou agenturou ČR.
- This issue is published under the Research Grant Czech Structuralist Thought on Theatre: context and potency (2011‒2015; GAČR, č. P409/11/1082), subsidized by the Czech Science Foundation.
Ústav FF MU
Title | Document |
Editorial | 5–6
Kačer, Tomáš; Příhodová, Barbora |
Prague semiotic stage revisited II: an international symposium on Czech structuralist thought on theatre and drama, Brno, May 20‒22, 2013 : programme | 7–10
Title | Document |
[Contents of the section Yorick] | [11]–[12]
Responsibilities to the past; duties to the present: considerations on translating, editing and (re)presenting the Czech structuralist canon for modern international audiences | 13–23
Billing, Christian M. |
Title | Document |
Between intentionality and affect: on Jan Mukařovský's theory of reception | 24–40
Meerzon, Yana |
The Prague School's contribution to the theory of intermediality | 41–49
Šlaisová, Eva |
Conceptualizing the Hollywood biopic | 50–59
Pérez-Simón, Andrés |
Title | Document |
Mimetic and non-mimetic aspects of space in the theatre: some reflections following Jindřich Honzl's "Dynamics of the sign in the theater" | 60–70
Rokem, Freddie |
Otakar Zich's invisible actors and creative minds | 71–80
Pšenička, Martin |
Title | Document |
Functional reformulations: Prague School and intralingual translation | 81–95
Drábek, Pavel |
Jiří Veltruský revisited | 96–110
Schmid, Herta |
Archaeology of concepts and ambitions: performing structuralism through the field of scenography (Czechoslovakia, 1970s) | 111–121
Havlíčková Kysová, Šárka; Příhodová, Barbora |
Jan Mukařovský and theatre | 122–136
Sládek, Ondřej |
Jindřich Honzl's texts on acting – between convention and spontaneity | 137–147
Musilová, Martina |
Title | Document |
Prague Linguistic Circle in English: semantic shifts in selected texts and their consequences | 148–161
Ambros, Veronika |
Phenomenological aspects of the Prague School theatre theory | 162–171
Sakellaridou, Elizabeth |
Title | Document |
[Contents of the section Archive] | [173]–[174]
The Prague Linguistic Circle and the Prager Presse : a remark on the science in interwar Czechoslovakia | 175–187
Bernátek, Martin |
Title | Document |
[Contents of the section Spectrum] | [189]–[190]
Where theory meets the practice: Jaroslav Malina's space, function and sign in scenography and painting | 191–222
Příhodová, Barbora |
Title | Document |
[Contents of the section Orientation] | [223]–[224]
Hastábhinaja: gesta rukou v tradičním divadelním umění Indie | 225–226
Drábek, Pavel |
100 years of Croatian set design and costume design 1909‒2009 | 227–229
Rogošić, Višnja |
Pavel Drábek's attempts at Shakespeare | 230–232
Kačer, Tomáš |
The chronotopical overview of Croatian performance art | 233–237
Majcen Linn, Olga |
In double trust: Shakespeare in Central Europe | 238–240
Kostihová, Marcela |
A fresh approach to old issues | 241–243
Havlíčková Kysová, Šárka |
Title | Document |
[Contents of the section Events] | [245]–[246]
"Theatrology at a crossroads": notes from a conference | 247–249
Satková, Naďa |
O' – Scenographic Video-Essays | 250–251
Kubart, Tomáš |