Vertalen in het vreemdetalenonderwijs? Studenten aan het woord...

Název: Vertalen in het vreemdetalenonderwijs? Studenten aan het woord...
Variantní název:
  • Student perspectives on translation in foreign language teaching
Zdrojový dokument: Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik. 2019, roč. 33, č. 2, s. 45-56
  • ISSN
    1803-7380 (print)
    2336-4408 (online)
Type: Článek

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In recent years there has been a reassessment of the role of translation and translations in foreign language teaching and education (Cook, 2010; Laviosa, 2014; Carreres, 2014). Nowadays the Common European Framework (2001) recognizes translation and interpretation as a language activity which is called 'mediation'. Because of the lack of descriptors, these activities seem nevertheless still largely overlooked. In addition, a study by the European Union on the role of translation in the teaching of languages in the EU revealed the need for greater understanding of the views of students in the learning of foreign languages (Pym, Malmkjær and Gutiérrez-Colon, 2013). In order to meet this requirement, this paper reports on the opinion of Polish students on translation in foreign language education. Based on the findings of a translation project realized in the master's program at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, it also examines their views about working with real translation assignments.
[1] Carreres, Angeles. 2014. "Translation as a means and as an end: reassessing the divide." The Interpreter and Translator Trainer Volume 8. Issue 1: Translation in the Language Classroom: Theory, Research and Practice. 123–135.

[2] Cook, Guy. 2010. Translation in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[3] Council of Europe. 2001. "The Common European Framework Of Reference For Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment." Strasbourg: Language Policy Unit.

[4] Council of Europe. 2017. CEFR Companion Volume. Strasbourg: Language Policy Unit.

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[6] Hervey, Sandor, Ian Higgins, and Louise M. Haywood. 1995. Thinking Spanish Translation: A Course in Translation Method, Spanish to English. Oxon: Routledge.

[7] Kalsbeek, A. van. 2015. "Taalonderwijs en didactiek". Handboek Nederlands als tweede taal in het volwassenenonderwijs. Tweede herziene druk. Bossers, B., Kuiken, F. & Vermeer, A. (red.). Bussum: Coutinho.

[8] Kiraly, Don. 2000. A Social Constructivist Approach to Translator Education. Manchester: St. Jerome.

[9] Lantolf, James P. 2000. Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[10] Laviosa, Sara. 2014. Translation and Language Education. London and New York: Routledge.

[11] Meijer, Dick, & José Noijons. 2008. Gemeenschappelijk Europees Refentiekader voor Moderne Vreemde Talen: Leren, Onderwijzen, Beoordelen. Den Haag: Nederlandse Taalunie. (laatst geraadpleegd in juli 2019).

[12] Pym, A., K. Malmkjær & M. Gutiérrez-Colon Plana. 2013. Translation and Language Learning: The Role of Translation in the Teaching of Languages in the European Union: A Study Luxembourg: European Commission. | DOI 10.2782/13783

[13] Waterlot, Muriel. 2018. Functionele & Taakgerichte Vertaaldidactiek in het Universitaire Vreemdetalenonderwijs. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.