Čestice u nastavi južnoslavenskih jezika

Title: Čestice u nastavi južnoslavenskih jezika
Variant title:
  • Particles in teaching south Slavic languages
Source document: Opera Slavica. 2013, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 208-214
  • ISSN
    1211-7676 (print)
    2336-4459 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Rad se bavi položajem i obradom čestica u nastavi južnoslavenskih jezika. Prvi dio rada posvećen je teorijsko-metodološkim problemima vezanim za tumačenje čestica te njihovim odražavanjem u nastavi i jezičnim priručnicima. U drugom dijelu prikazan je način definiranja i kategorizacije čestica u izabranim gramatikama južnoslavenskih jezika, dok su završne cjeline posvećene analizi obilježavanja čestica u rječnicima te njihovoj obradi u udžbenicima stranih jezika.
This paper deals with the position and treatment of particles in teaching South Slavic languages. The first part of the paper is dedicated to theoretical and methodological problems related to the interpretation of particles and to the way they are reflected in teaching and in language handbooks. The second part demonstrates how to define and classify particles in selected grammar books of the South Slavic languages, while the final chapters are dedicated to an analysis of marking particles in dictionaries and to their treatment in foreign language textbooks.