Title: Attribute and reliability hedging devices in English, Czech and Slovak research articles
Source document: Brno studies in English. 2023, vol. 49, iss. 2, pp. 57-81
ISSN0524-6881 (print)1805-0867 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/BSE2023-2-3
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.79904
Type: Article
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
Rights access
open access
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This paper is a cross-cultural investigation into attribute and reliability hedges in research papers on applied linguistics published in journals in English, Czech and Slovak. Overall, 30 research articles have been examined using discourse and corpus analysis. Although Čmejrková et al. (1999) assert that modality and a low degree of decisiveness are more typical for Czech scientific publications than for English, the findings demonstrate that hedges are employed considerably more frequently and are more varied in the selected articles written in English than in Czech and Slovak. This could be connected with the writer's choice of vocabulary or with limited literature focusing on academic vocabulary in the Slavic languages. The wider variety of hedging expressions in the articles written in English could be the consequence of the historical impact of Latin and French on the language, which provided synonyms to the already existing Anglo-Saxon expressions.
[1] Časopis pro moderní filologii / Journal for Modern Philology. Retrieved from: https://casopis-promodernifilologii.ff.cuni.cz/en/
[2] Jazykovedný časopis / Journal of Linguistics. Retrieved from: https://www.juls.savba.sk/ediela/jc/
[3] Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. Retrieved from: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/jelf/html
[4] Language and Communication. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/language-and-communication
[5] Language Learning and Technology. Retrieved from: https://www.lltjournal.org/
[6] Slavia. Retrieved from: http://www.slu.cas.cz/4-slav-detail.html
[7] Slavica Slovaca. Retrieved from: http://slavu.sav.sk/casopisy/slavica.php
[8] Slovenská reč / Slovak Speech. Retrieved from: https://www.juls.savba.sk/ediela/sr/
[9] Bacon, Nora (2013) Style in Academic Writing. In. M. Duncan, S. M. Medzerian Vanguri, eds. The Centrality of Style (Perspectives on Writing). Anderson: Parlor Press. Retrieved from: https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/centrality/chapter10.pdf
[10] Bailey, Stephen (2018) Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. New York: Routledge.
[11] Biber, Douglas, Ulla Connor and Thomas A. Upton (2007) Discourse on the Move: Using corpus analysis to describe discourse structure. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[12] Bilá, Magdaléna and Alena Kačmárová (2021) Teoretické východiská analýzy vedeckej štúdie v anglofónnom prostredí. In: Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (eds.) Anglo-americký štýl písania v praxi. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 8–19. Retrieved from: http://www.pulib.sk/web/knižnica/elpub/dokument/Kacmarova8
[13] Bilá, Magdaléna, Alena Kačmárová, Ingrida Vaňková, Gabriela Gumanová, Klaudia Bednárová-Gibová, Eva Eddy (2018) Elektronický encyklopedický slovník všeobecnej jazykovedy. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove. Retrieved from: https://www.unipo.sk/filozoficka-fakulta/instituty-fakulty/ipat-new/ltd
[14] Browne, Charles, Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips (2013) The New Academic Word List. Retrieved from: http://www.newgeneralservicelist.org/nawl-new-academic-word-list/
[15] Connor, Ulla, Estella Ene and Ana Traverse (2016) Intercultural Rhetoric. In: Hyland, Ken and Philip Shaw (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes. New York: Routledge. 270–282.
[16] Coxhead, Averil (2000) A New Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly 34 (2), 213–238.
[17] Čechová, Marie et al. (2008) Současná stylistika. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
[18] Čmejrková, Světla, František Daneš and Jindra Světlá (1999) Jak napsat odborný text. Praha: Leda.
[19] Daneš, František (2000) Jakou řečí mluví věda. Modalizace vědeckého diskurzu. Slovo a slovesnost 61 (2), 81–92.
[20] De Chazal, Edward and Sam McCarter (2012) Oxford EAP: A Course in English for Academic Purposes: Upper-Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[21] Dobbersteinová, Jitka et al. (2019) Sprievodca svetom vedeckého publikovania. Bratislava: Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR.
[22] Gardner, Dee and Mark Davies (2014) A New Academic Vocabulary List. Applied Linguistics 35 (3), 305–327.
[23] Gastel, Barbara and Robert A. Day (2016) How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood.
[24] Glasman-Deal, Hilary (2010) Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English. London: Imperial College Press.
[25] Goodson, Patricia (2017) Becoming an Academic Writer. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.
[26] Hayot, Eric (2014) The Elements of Academic Style: Writing for the Humanities. New York: Columbia University Press.
[27] Hewings, Martin and Craig Thaine (2012) Cambridge Academic English: An integrated skills course for EAP, Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[28] Hofmann, Angelika H. (2010) Scientific Writing and Communication. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[29] Hyland, Ken (1996) Writing Without Conviction? Hedging in Science Research Articles. Applied Linguistics 17 (4), 433–454. | DOI 10.1093/applin/17.4.433
[30] Hyland, Ken (1998) Hedging in Scientific Research Articles. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[31] Hyland, Ken (2005) Metadiscourse – Exploring Interaction in Writing. London and New York: Continuum.
[32] Charles, Maggie and Diane Pecorari (2016) Introducing English for Academic Purposes. London and New York: Routledge.
[33] Ilynska, Larisa, et al. (2016) Rhetoric of Scientific Text Translation. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 231, 84–91. | DOI 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.09.075
[34] Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (2021) Úvod do akademického/vedeckého písania. In: Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (eds.) Vedecké písanie (nielen) pre doktorandov. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 22–39. Retrieved from: https://www.pulib.sk/web/kniznica/elpub/dokument/Kacmarova9
[35] Kovářiková, Dominika, Oleg Kovářík and Lucie Lukešová (2021) Víceslovné jednotky typické pro české akademické texty. Časopis pro moderní filologii 103 (2), 218–229. | DOI 10.14712/23366591.2021.2.4
[36] Lakoff, George (1973) Hedges: A study in meaning criteria and the logic of fuzzy concepts. Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (4), 458–508.
[37] Levická, Jana, and Miroslav Zumrík (2019) Odborný jazyk a výskum jeho lexiky. Jazykovedný časopis (Journal of Linguistics) 70 (3), 573–590.
[38] Limnios, Olga A. (2022). Fictionality Markers in Professional Scientific Articles: A New Approach to Hedging. ESP Today 10 (2), 245–262. | DOI 10.18485/esptoday.2022.10.2.3
[39] Liu, Chunhong and Ming-Yu Tseng (2021). Paradigmatic variation in hedging and boosting: A comparative study of discussions in narrative inquiry and grounded theory research. English for Specific Purposes 61, 1–16. | DOI 10.1016/j.esp.2020.08.002
[40] Mack, Chris A. (2018) How to Write a Good Scientific Paper. Washington: SPIE.
[41] Meško, Dušan (2004) Vedecký a odborný článok. In: Meško, Dušan and Dušan Katuščák et al. Akademická príručka. Martin: Vydavateľstvo Osveta.
[42] Mkhitaryan, Yelena and Sona Tumanyan (2015) On Differences in the Use of Hedging in English and Armenian Academic Discourse. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 197, 2506 – 251.1 | DOI 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.07.324
[43] Morley, John (2015) Academic Phrasebank. Manchester: The University of Manchester. Available at: https://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/
[44] Mur-Dueñas, Pilar (2021) There may be differences: Analysing the use of hedges in English and Spanish research articles. Lingua 260, 103–131. | DOI 10.1016/j.lingua.2021.103131
[45] Murin, Gabriela (2021) Špecifiká akademického diskurzu v lingvistike. In: Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (eds.) Vedecké písanie (nielen) pre doktorandov. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 40–56. Retrieved from: https://www.pulib.sk/web/kniznica/elpub/dokument/Kacmarova9
[46] Owtram, Nicola T. (2010) The Pragmatics of Academic Writing: A Relevance Approach to the Analysis of Research Article Introductions (Linguistic Insights). Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
[47] Paquot, Magali (2010) Academic Vocabulary in Learner Writing: From Extraction to Analysis. New York: Continuum.
[48] Pu, Shi (2022) Critical Thinking in Academic Writing: A Cultural Approach. New York: Routledge.
[49] Sala, Michele (2015) Knowledge Construction and Knowledge Promotion in Academic Communication: The Case of Research Article Abstracts – a Corpus-Based Study. In: Thomson, Paul and Giuliana Diani (eds.) English for Academic Purposes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 103–126.
[50] Simpson, Paul (2014) Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students. London and New York: Routledge.
[51] Simpson-Vlach, Rita and Nick C. Ellis (2010) An academic formulas list: New methods in phraseology research. Applied Linguistics 31 (4), 487–512. | DOI 10.1093/applin/amp058
[52] Slovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV / Dictionary portal of Linguistic Institute of Ľ. Štúr at SAS. Retrieved from: https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk/
[53] Slovník spisovného jazyka českého / Dictionary of standard Czech language. Retrieved from: https://ssjc.ujc.cas.cz/search.php?db=ssjc
[54] Swales, John M. 1990. Genre analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[55] Šanderová, Jadwiga (2005) Jak číst a past odborný text ve společenských vědách. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).
[56] Walková, Milada (2017) Citation practices in Slovak and English linguistic research papers. Journal of Linguistics 68 (3), 435–458. | DOI 10.2478/jazcas-2018-0001
[57] Walková, Milada (2018) Author's Self-representation in Research Articles by Anglophone and Slovak Linguists. Discourse and Interaction 11 (1), 86–105. | DOI 10.5817/di2018-1-86
[58] Xue, Guoyi and I.S.P. Nation (1984) A University Word List. Language Learning and Communication 3, 215–229.
[59] Yang, Yingli (2013) Exploring linguistic and cultural variations in the use of hedges in English and Chinese scientific discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 50, 23–36. | DOI 10.1016/j.pragma.2013.01.008
[2] Jazykovedný časopis / Journal of Linguistics. Retrieved from: https://www.juls.savba.sk/ediela/jc/
[3] Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. Retrieved from: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/jelf/html
[4] Language and Communication. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/language-and-communication
[5] Language Learning and Technology. Retrieved from: https://www.lltjournal.org/
[6] Slavia. Retrieved from: http://www.slu.cas.cz/4-slav-detail.html
[7] Slavica Slovaca. Retrieved from: http://slavu.sav.sk/casopisy/slavica.php
[8] Slovenská reč / Slovak Speech. Retrieved from: https://www.juls.savba.sk/ediela/sr/
[9] Bacon, Nora (2013) Style in Academic Writing. In. M. Duncan, S. M. Medzerian Vanguri, eds. The Centrality of Style (Perspectives on Writing). Anderson: Parlor Press. Retrieved from: https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/centrality/chapter10.pdf
[10] Bailey, Stephen (2018) Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. New York: Routledge.
[11] Biber, Douglas, Ulla Connor and Thomas A. Upton (2007) Discourse on the Move: Using corpus analysis to describe discourse structure. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[12] Bilá, Magdaléna and Alena Kačmárová (2021) Teoretické východiská analýzy vedeckej štúdie v anglofónnom prostredí. In: Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (eds.) Anglo-americký štýl písania v praxi. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 8–19. Retrieved from: http://www.pulib.sk/web/knižnica/elpub/dokument/Kacmarova8
[13] Bilá, Magdaléna, Alena Kačmárová, Ingrida Vaňková, Gabriela Gumanová, Klaudia Bednárová-Gibová, Eva Eddy (2018) Elektronický encyklopedický slovník všeobecnej jazykovedy. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove. Retrieved from: https://www.unipo.sk/filozoficka-fakulta/instituty-fakulty/ipat-new/ltd
[14] Browne, Charles, Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips (2013) The New Academic Word List. Retrieved from: http://www.newgeneralservicelist.org/nawl-new-academic-word-list/
[15] Connor, Ulla, Estella Ene and Ana Traverse (2016) Intercultural Rhetoric. In: Hyland, Ken and Philip Shaw (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes. New York: Routledge. 270–282.
[16] Coxhead, Averil (2000) A New Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly 34 (2), 213–238.
[17] Čechová, Marie et al. (2008) Současná stylistika. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
[18] Čmejrková, Světla, František Daneš and Jindra Světlá (1999) Jak napsat odborný text. Praha: Leda.
[19] Daneš, František (2000) Jakou řečí mluví věda. Modalizace vědeckého diskurzu. Slovo a slovesnost 61 (2), 81–92.
[20] De Chazal, Edward and Sam McCarter (2012) Oxford EAP: A Course in English for Academic Purposes: Upper-Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[21] Dobbersteinová, Jitka et al. (2019) Sprievodca svetom vedeckého publikovania. Bratislava: Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR.
[22] Gardner, Dee and Mark Davies (2014) A New Academic Vocabulary List. Applied Linguistics 35 (3), 305–327.
[23] Gastel, Barbara and Robert A. Day (2016) How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood.
[24] Glasman-Deal, Hilary (2010) Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English. London: Imperial College Press.
[25] Goodson, Patricia (2017) Becoming an Academic Writer. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.
[26] Hayot, Eric (2014) The Elements of Academic Style: Writing for the Humanities. New York: Columbia University Press.
[27] Hewings, Martin and Craig Thaine (2012) Cambridge Academic English: An integrated skills course for EAP, Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[28] Hofmann, Angelika H. (2010) Scientific Writing and Communication. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[29] Hyland, Ken (1996) Writing Without Conviction? Hedging in Science Research Articles. Applied Linguistics 17 (4), 433–454. | DOI 10.1093/applin/17.4.433
[30] Hyland, Ken (1998) Hedging in Scientific Research Articles. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[31] Hyland, Ken (2005) Metadiscourse – Exploring Interaction in Writing. London and New York: Continuum.
[32] Charles, Maggie and Diane Pecorari (2016) Introducing English for Academic Purposes. London and New York: Routledge.
[33] Ilynska, Larisa, et al. (2016) Rhetoric of Scientific Text Translation. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 231, 84–91. | DOI 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.09.075
[34] Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (2021) Úvod do akademického/vedeckého písania. In: Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (eds.) Vedecké písanie (nielen) pre doktorandov. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 22–39. Retrieved from: https://www.pulib.sk/web/kniznica/elpub/dokument/Kacmarova9
[35] Kovářiková, Dominika, Oleg Kovářík and Lucie Lukešová (2021) Víceslovné jednotky typické pro české akademické texty. Časopis pro moderní filologii 103 (2), 218–229. | DOI 10.14712/23366591.2021.2.4
[36] Lakoff, George (1973) Hedges: A study in meaning criteria and the logic of fuzzy concepts. Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (4), 458–508.
[37] Levická, Jana, and Miroslav Zumrík (2019) Odborný jazyk a výskum jeho lexiky. Jazykovedný časopis (Journal of Linguistics) 70 (3), 573–590.
[38] Limnios, Olga A. (2022). Fictionality Markers in Professional Scientific Articles: A New Approach to Hedging. ESP Today 10 (2), 245–262. | DOI 10.18485/esptoday.2022.10.2.3
[39] Liu, Chunhong and Ming-Yu Tseng (2021). Paradigmatic variation in hedging and boosting: A comparative study of discussions in narrative inquiry and grounded theory research. English for Specific Purposes 61, 1–16. | DOI 10.1016/j.esp.2020.08.002
[40] Mack, Chris A. (2018) How to Write a Good Scientific Paper. Washington: SPIE.
[41] Meško, Dušan (2004) Vedecký a odborný článok. In: Meško, Dušan and Dušan Katuščák et al. Akademická príručka. Martin: Vydavateľstvo Osveta.
[42] Mkhitaryan, Yelena and Sona Tumanyan (2015) On Differences in the Use of Hedging in English and Armenian Academic Discourse. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 197, 2506 – 251.1 | DOI 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.07.324
[43] Morley, John (2015) Academic Phrasebank. Manchester: The University of Manchester. Available at: https://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/
[44] Mur-Dueñas, Pilar (2021) There may be differences: Analysing the use of hedges in English and Spanish research articles. Lingua 260, 103–131. | DOI 10.1016/j.lingua.2021.103131
[45] Murin, Gabriela (2021) Špecifiká akademického diskurzu v lingvistike. In: Kačmárová, Alena and Magdaléna Bilá (eds.) Vedecké písanie (nielen) pre doktorandov. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 40–56. Retrieved from: https://www.pulib.sk/web/kniznica/elpub/dokument/Kacmarova9
[46] Owtram, Nicola T. (2010) The Pragmatics of Academic Writing: A Relevance Approach to the Analysis of Research Article Introductions (Linguistic Insights). Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
[47] Paquot, Magali (2010) Academic Vocabulary in Learner Writing: From Extraction to Analysis. New York: Continuum.
[48] Pu, Shi (2022) Critical Thinking in Academic Writing: A Cultural Approach. New York: Routledge.
[49] Sala, Michele (2015) Knowledge Construction and Knowledge Promotion in Academic Communication: The Case of Research Article Abstracts – a Corpus-Based Study. In: Thomson, Paul and Giuliana Diani (eds.) English for Academic Purposes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 103–126.
[50] Simpson, Paul (2014) Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students. London and New York: Routledge.
[51] Simpson-Vlach, Rita and Nick C. Ellis (2010) An academic formulas list: New methods in phraseology research. Applied Linguistics 31 (4), 487–512. | DOI 10.1093/applin/amp058
[52] Slovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV / Dictionary portal of Linguistic Institute of Ľ. Štúr at SAS. Retrieved from: https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk/
[53] Slovník spisovného jazyka českého / Dictionary of standard Czech language. Retrieved from: https://ssjc.ujc.cas.cz/search.php?db=ssjc
[54] Swales, John M. 1990. Genre analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[55] Šanderová, Jadwiga (2005) Jak číst a past odborný text ve společenských vědách. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).
[56] Walková, Milada (2017) Citation practices in Slovak and English linguistic research papers. Journal of Linguistics 68 (3), 435–458. | DOI 10.2478/jazcas-2018-0001
[57] Walková, Milada (2018) Author's Self-representation in Research Articles by Anglophone and Slovak Linguists. Discourse and Interaction 11 (1), 86–105. | DOI 10.5817/di2018-1-86
[58] Xue, Guoyi and I.S.P. Nation (1984) A University Word List. Language Learning and Communication 3, 215–229.
[59] Yang, Yingli (2013) Exploring linguistic and cultural variations in the use of hedges in English and Chinese scientific discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 50, 23–36. | DOI 10.1016/j.pragma.2013.01.008