Oratorios performed at the holy sepulchre in the Bohemian lands and Austria in the 18th century (Part I) : methodological questions on the sepolcro in the period of ca. 1700–1760

Title: Oratorios performed at the holy sepulchre in the Bohemian lands and Austria in the 18th century (Part I) : methodological questions on the sepolcro in the period of ca. 1700–1760
Source document: Musicologica Brunensia. 2018, vol. 53, iss. 1, pp. 79-96
  • ISSN
    1212-0391 (print)
    2336-436X (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The study is focused on specific musical-dramatic form of oratorios, which was intended for performances during the Holy Week at the holy sepulchre. Originally, the favourite form from Leopoldine Vienna found a wide use in 18th century. The functional point of view, symbolically designated by the place and purpose of the performance, plays a decisive role in further research. Therefore, for these compositions the term "sepolcro" is used. Apart from terminological questions, the clients, who ordered these compositions, as well as forms and language problematic are researched. On several examples, the various types of themes used in sepolcros are demonstrated.
[1] Beschuldigte Unschuld. (Andreas Weidner/Georg Reutter Jr.), A-Wst, 5491-A.

[2] Der Anfangs verstockte hernach reumüthigbüssende Sünder. ([?]/Johann Georg Reinhardt), A-Wst, sign. A-5486.

[3] Der in Glaub Hoffnung und Liebe gerechte Abel. ([?]/Antonio Mauritio Taubner), CZ-Pu, sign. 52 C 21, adl. 11.

[4] Der Streit eines Weibes, und ihres Kindes wider einen gekrönten sieben-köpfigen Drachen. ([?]/Georg Matthias Frumann), A-Wst, sign. A-5477.

[5] Guter Hirt Christus Jesus. ([?]/Georg Matthias Frumann), A-Wst, sign. A-5476.

[6] Il sacrificio non impedito (Nicolò Minato/Antonio Draghi), A-Wn, sign. 406743-B.Adl.

[7] Il sagrifizio d'Abramo ([?]/Leopold I.), A-Wn, Mus.Hs.16596.

[8] Immisit Dominus pestilentiam ([?]/ Jan Dismas Zelenka), RISM ID no.: 211010665.

[9] Jesus Christus ein Heyland. ([?]/Johann Joseph Fux), CZ-Pu, sign. 34 C 19, adl. 22.

[10] Oefterer Anstoß des zum Berg Calvariae im Geist aufsteigenden Wandersmann. (Friedrich Sebastian Syhn/František Antonín Míča), CZ-R, sign. Z.f.18, adl. 8.

[11] Oratorium ad S. Sepulchrum ([?]/Johann Adam Scheibl), A-Wn, Mus.Hs.22585.

[12] Oratorium ad sepulchrum Domini ([?]/Georg Donberger), Sign. Cz-Bm, A 42 178.

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[16] Moravian Provincial Archive, fund G 436, cartons 765, Inv. no. 6186, f. 229v.

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