
Displaying 211 - 240 of 308

Kolinská, Klára. Staging the North-South meridian: spatial and ontological explorations of the Northern experience in two Canadian dramas. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 143–156.

Drewniak, Dagmara. Between the global and the private: the Second World War and the Cold War in two novels by Lithuanian-Canadians. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 127–141.

Kusek, Robert. Blue is (not) the warmest colour: contradictions of grieving in Joan Didion's Blue Nights. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 171–183.

Maleková, Danica. The comic of the heroes – a case study of the role of humour in reflecting national identity. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 53–68.

Wawrzyczek, Irmina. Racist and neo-Nazi panic in the Euro 2012 coverage by the British press: a discursive failure in interculturalism. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 89–105.

Kostić, Nataša. The distributional asymmetries of English antonyms in language use. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 5–32.

Kucała, Bożena. Penelope Lively's autobiographical memory. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 157–169.

Molek-Kozakowska, Katarzyna. [Breeze, Ruth; Olza, Inés (eds.). Evaluation in media discourse: European perspectives]. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 233–237.

Tóth, Zsófia Anna. Disney's violent women : in quest of a 'fully real' violent woman in American cinema. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 185–212.

Barnard, Lianne. Is Philip Roth 'against political correctness'? : 'Whiteness' as desired norm and invisible terror in The Human Stain. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 107–125.

Valentová, Eva. Dreaming in fire and working in clay: the problem of translating ideas into words in Arthur Machen's The Great God Pan. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 213–232.

Pelclová, Jana. Signifying Brno – creating urban space, shaping the city. Brno studies in English. 2017, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 69–87.

Tonc, Asja. Between the sea and the Alps : traces of mobility and trade of the Late Iron age societes in the Northern Adriatic. In: Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approches dans les recherches sur l'âge du Fer. 2017, pp. 119–123.

Wilczek, Josef. Morphometrics of (especially ceramic) Celtic artefacts - new methods of acquisition, systematization and valorisation of the past. In: Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approches dans les recherches sur l'âge du Fer. 2017, pp. 73–76.

Sedláček, Tibor. Teoreticko-metodologické východiská. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 13–19.

Sedláček, Tibor. Sakrálny aspekt panovníckej dynastie. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 87–98.

Sedláček, Tibor. Podzemná štruktúra. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 66–86.

Sedláček, Tibor. Koncept churritizácie a pokus o jeho aplikovanie na prípad Urkeša. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 117–122.

Sedláček, Tibor. Obrázková príloha. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 151–165.

Sedláček, Tibor. Poznámky k počiatkom Churritov na starovekom Prednom východe. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 20–25.

Sedláček, Tibor. Chrám churritského boha (Kumarbiho?). In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 43–51.

Sedláček, Tibor. Úvod. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 9–12.

Sedláček, Tibor. Glyptické religiózne motívy s akkadskými vplyvmi. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 99–116.

Sedláček, Tibor. Skratky a použité znaky pri prekladoch ; Poznámka k pramenným textom. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 130.

Sedláček, Tibor. Závěry. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 123–125.

Sedláček, Tibor. Chtonická charakteristika Kumarbiho v churritskej mytológii. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 52–65.

Sedláček, Tibor. Evidence of the early religion of the Hurrians in ancient Urkesh : summary. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 126–129.

Sedláček, Tibor. Rámcová rekonštrukcia dejín Urkeša. In: Sedláček, Tibor. Doklady raného náboženstva Churritov v starovekom Urkeši. 2017, pp. 26–42.

Mikulová, Iva. Karel Novák : theatre director (1916–1968) : summary. In: Mikulová, Iva. Divadelní režisér Karel Novák (1916–1968). 2017, pp. 231–233.

Horáková, Martina. Introduction. In: Horáková, Martina. Inscribing difference and resistance : indigenous women's personal non-fiction and life writing in Australia and North America. 2017, pp. 11–21.