Die Messen im Tabulaturbuch von Johann Plotz und ihre Verwendung in der Liturgie des evangelischen Gottesdienstes

Title: Die Messen im Tabulaturbuch von Johann Plotz und ihre Verwendung in der Liturgie des evangelischen Gottesdienstes
Variant title:
  • Masses in the Tablature Book of Johann Plotz and their utilization in the liturgy of the Evangelical service
Author: Hulková, Marta
Source document: Musicologica Brunensia. 2016, vol. 51, iss. 1, pp. 63-77
  • ISSN
    1212-0391 (print)
    2336-436X (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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According to the specification on the binding of the manuscript, the Tablature Book of Johann Plotz is a "Missal", and the majority of its repertoire, recorded in new German organ tablature notation, corresponds to this designation. Based on its paper, the Tablature Book of Johann Plotz can be dated to the turn of the 16th and the 17th century, and its provenance is probably the geographical region of Silesia-Spiš. The masses recorded here come from the authorial prints of musicians living in the latter half of the 16th century. Side by side, there are masses which originated in a Catholic (Orlando di Lasso, Jacob Handl-Gallus) and in an Evangelical (Johann Knöfel, Leonhard Lechner, Georg Lange, Bartholomäus Gesius) environment. The adoption of Catholic masses into the liturgy of the Evangelical service was a common practice. The mass cycle was shortened to Kyrie and Gloria (Missa brevis)¸ so it could be adjusted to the requirements of the Evangelical service. In its text, the use of the Latin language persisted. In composing masses, the Evangelical musicians followed the liturgical order established by Martin Luther (Deutsche Messe und Ordnung des Gottesdiensts, Wittenberg 1526).
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