Title: Brno studies in English
Year: 1976
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Issue title
Studies in the linguistic characterology of modern English
Publication year
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/105164
- Brno studies in English, Volume 12 (1976) vyšel jako sv. 205 v rámci edice Spisy Filozofické fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Brně.
Department FF MU
Title | Document |
A study on the functional perspective of the English and the Slavonic interrogative sentence | 9–56
Firbas, Jan |
Some notes on the present perfect | 57–83
Herzlík, Bořivoj |
A brief comment on some previous works on modality | 85–92
Hladký, Josef |
On position and function of English local and temporal adverbials | 93–123
Horová, Eva |
An attempt at a linguistic characterology of prepositions in present-day English in comparison with Czech | 125–144
Hruška, Jiří |
Some more notes on the conditional and the future in English and in Italian | 145–158
Ondráček, Jaroslav |
An ordered-triple theory of language | 159–186
Svoboda, Aleš |
Apropos of internal pragmatics | 187–224
Svoboda, Aleš |